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Roles Configurations


In Vymo, a "role" refers to a predefined set of permissions and access levels assigned to users. It determines the actions a user can perform and the data they can access within the system. There are two main categories of roles: standard roles and custom roles.

Standard Roles:

  1. Administrator:
  2. Holds the highest level of access, overseeing all platform functionalities.

  3. Manager:

  4. Access to data relevant to their teams, task assignment, and progress monitoring.

  5. Agent:

  6. Operates with constrained access, limited administrative privileges, and access to specific assigned tasks.

Custom Roles:

Role Creation: - Administrators have the authority to create custom roles tailored to specific organizational needs.

Permission Customization: - Custom roles allow organizations to fine-tune permissions, ensuring users have access aligned with their responsibilities.

Roles are crucial for maintaining data integrity, ensuring security, and streamlining user interactions with the platform. The choice between standard and custom roles depends on the organization's specific use cases and requirements.

See also

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