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How to Create Referral Fields


Creating referral fields in Vymo involves setting up dropdown fields with predefined options and dependencies. This guide covers the process from start to finish.

Steps to Create a Dropdown Field

  1. Access the Settings:
  2. Log in to the Vymo web app.
  3. Click on the gear icon located in the upper-right corner.

  4. Navigate to Module Settings:

  5. Under "Module Settings", select the relevant module.
  6. Proceed to "Field Configuration". Note: Dropdowns can also be created at the "User Management" level.

  7. Create the Dropdown Field:

  8. Click "Add New" at the top left.
  9. Drag the "Referral" option to the desired location.
  10. Fill in the necessary details for your new dropdown field.

  11. Finalize:

  12. Confirm your preferences by clicking "Save" at the top right.

Adding Dependencies to Dropdown Fields

  1. Access the Settings Again:
  2. Follow the initial steps to access "Field Configuration" in your desired module or "User Management" level.

  3. Initiate Dependency Setup:

  4. In the pop-up under “Field Level Settings”, choose the “source” (the Module for which you are looking to refer).

  5. Specify Dependencies:

  6. Select the desired options from the available list. Note: Selecting a field already in use will shift it as a dependent option under the dropdown.

  7. Mandatory Selection & Global Application:

  8. Activate the "Mandatory" option for crucial choices.
  9. Decide if updates should affect only this dropdown or extend globally.

  10. Commit Changes:

  11. Click "Save" at the top right to apply your configurations.

Creating referral fields with dropdown options and dependencies in Vymo helps streamline data entry and ensures consistency across the platform.

See also

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