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How to create fields


Fields are used to store data for leads, partners, and users. Fields for leads and partners can be different for each module. Fields for users are common for all users in a company.

You can add fields to modules and for users, as needed.

No deletions

Before you create a field, evaluate whether using an existing field meets your requirements because fields once created cannot be deleted; they can only be disabled.

After you disable a field, it is hidden; it's no longer visible on the forms in that module.

Fields created in a module are applicable only to that module. To use similar fields in another module, you must create those fields again in that other module.

Fields for users are applicable to all users in that company.

field configuration

Configuration options

Options common to all field types are:

  • Whether the field is mandatory or optional.
  • Whether the field can be edited when used for a form or is it a read-only field.

Field metadata

Field type Options
Text Placeholder text, minimum and maximum number of lines, regex for validation, message to be displayed if the validation fails
Number Minimum and maximum length, regex for validation, message to be displayed if the validation fails
Sentence Minimum number of lines
Label Text to be displayed
Pincode Minimum and maximum length, regex for validation, message to be displayed if the validation fails
Decimal Minimum and maximum length, regex for validation, message to be displayed if the validation fails
Currency Minimum and maximum length, regex for validation, message to be displayed if the validation fails
Location Subtypes, whether the location can be pinned
Date Earliest date possible, latest date possible
Date of birth From age and To age
Time None
Meeting Duration, whether mandatory, whether to show location, allowed for how many days in the past and future
Callback None
Phone Placeholder text, minimum and maximum number of characters, regex for validation, message to be displayed if the validation fails
Email Minimum and maximum number of characters, regex for validation, message to be displayed if the validation fails
Aadhaar None
PAN None
Referral Whether online is allowed
Multi-select Whether single-select is allowed
Dropdown * Default value, other values, values from another dropdown list, whether single-select, whether multi-select, dependent fields for values
Multimedia Minimum and maximum number of files, whether document or image

* For dropdown lists, the options must be defined through the old self serve interface. See How to create dropdown fields.

Advanced settings

Additionally, for every field type, depending on the value entered in that field on an input form, you can specify that additional fields be also displayed on the input form.

field configuration

The additional fields are fetched through an API, for which you specify the details like this:

  • OIF URL: The slug or path to the API to use to populate the input form.
  • OIF Parameter Value: The value of the parameter to pass in the API. This value should be the same as the input field code of another field on the form.
  • OIF Parameter Code: The code in the API that corresponds to this parameter.

How to

  1. Log in to the web app and click the gear icon :octicons-gear-16: at the top right.
  2. Go to the Field Configuration page by using any of these methods:
    • To create fields for a leads or partners module, in the Module Settings section, click the module where the fields are to be created. Then, click Field Configuration.
    • To create fields for user data, in the User Management section, click Field Configuration. Or, you can also click the Setup Menu near the top, and in the User Management dropdown list, click Field Configuration.
    • In the Search box near the top, type field configuration and, in the search results, click the module where the fields are to be added.
  3. On the Field Configuration page, at the left, click Add New and drag a field from the left to the center. (Or, you might choose to use the Add Field option (towards the right), select a field type from the options, and enter the configuration options).
  4. To configure the field, click the pencil icon :material-lead-pencil:. On the Edit Field page, make the changes. The options that are available to you are described in the table at Configuration options.
  5. When you are done, click Save.

Visual guides

For modules

One way of creating fields:

Another way of creating fields:

For users


You can now use the field in your module. The field is displayed on the list of available fields on the Field Configuration page.


Data about leads, partners, activities, and people are recorded in fields. Each field in a record is associated with one, and only one, attribute of that lead, partner, activity, or person.

Fields are used for the following aspects:

  • States such as New, 1st meeting scheduled, Meeting rescheduled, Dropped, and other states.
  • Transitions, which means when a lead moves from one state to another, for example, when a lead moves from a New state to a Meeting scheduled state.
  • Input forms
  • Storing computed data that's not displayed to people but used in calculations.

The following image shows state fields for a leads record.

mind map of lead state fields

See also

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