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How to release the changes


Deploying configuration changes to a pre-production environment is an essential step in our standard workflow. It enables you to rigorously test the alterations made to your app instance. Wondering what an instance is? Let's dive into that later. One key aspect to note is that all configuration modifications are initially stored as draft changes. To evaluate these adjustments thoroughly, they must be promoted to the pre-production environment.

Important Note: The release process described herein applies to the same environment from which it's triggered. It does not directly impact the pre-production environment. Configurations become active within the current environment upon user re-login, applicable to both the App and Web interfaces. However, not all changes will affect the App, as some updates are specific to the Web version.

For Pre-Production and Production Environments:

These environments are read-only, and the release process described above is not applicable. Instead, changes are promoted from staging to pre-production and then to production using a promotion feature. Manual saves and releases are restricted to maintain the integrity and stability of these environments.

Steps to Release Changes:

Once you are done with your configuration changes on the platform.

Locate and click on "Release changes" in the banner at the top.

release changes

Detail the Release: Fill out the necessary release details. It's crucial to use your personal email ID during this step, as it will be used to send an OTP, a vital component for the subsequent verification step. Once filled, click "Proceed".

Verify with OTP: Check your email for the OTP and input it into the provided space. After submitting, wait for a brief moment. You should be greeted with a confirmation message signaling the successful completion of the process.

release changes

Parallel Actions on Config: If two users make changes to the same configuration simultaneously, the changes will be merged before they are released.

Release Operations: Users can make draft changes during release operations without being blocked.

Simultaneous Editing: Multiple users can edit configurations simultaneously; releases do not disrupt editing.

Release Queue: Configurations can be saved even if a release is queued.

Release Progress: Saving configurations is not allowed during an ongoing release; users will receive a warning message.

Post-Release: After a release is completed, users are advised to re-login to see the new configurations. They can dismiss the message to continue with configuration changes.

Release Indicators: Users will see banners indicating the status of a release (in queue or in progress).

Draft Changes Count: The system will display a draft banner with the number of changes not yet released.

Action Required: Users may need to re-login to ensure they see the latest configurations after a release.

Channel Import Restrictions: Importing a channel is restricted when a release is in queue or in progress, or if there are draft changes.

Error Handling: The system will provide clear error messages if actions are blocked due to ongoing release operations.

  • Note: Users who are behind in draft changes will see a version mismatch error on save. To resolve this, they should refresh the page and proceed.

Dependent Configurations: If one configuration depends on another, the dependent configuration will automatically be released when the parent configuration is released.

See also

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