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Lead Lifecycle Overview


What is the Lead Lifecycle?

The lead lifecycle represents the journey of a potential customer (lead) from the first point of contact with a business until conversion into a customer or exiting the sales funnel. It provides a systematic approach to managing and nurturing leads, crucial for increasing conversions, sales efficiency, and enhancing customer relationships.

Key Concepts


  • Definition: An individual or organization interested in a product or service.
  • Manifestation: Interest shown through actions like filling out a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter, or making an inquiry.


  • Definition: Specific stage or status of a lead in the lifecycle.
  • Common States: "New", "Assigned", "In Process", "Closed".


  • Function: Movement of leads through different states, often triggered by actions or events like sales calls or missed appointments.

Allocation Rules

  • Purpose: Predefined criteria to automatically assign leads to sales representatives based on factors like location, lead source, or product interest.


  • Process: Reintroducing previously inactive or closed leads back into the sales funnel upon showing renewed interest.

Tags and Fields

  • Function: Labels and data points for categorizing, filtering, and managing leads more efficiently.

States in Lead Lifecycle

  • Representation: Distinct stages in a lead's journey, from "New" to "Assigned" to "Meeting Scheduled", culminating in "Won" or "Lost".

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Usage of States

  • Role: Essential elements in workflows, dictating the lead's journey through processes like scheduling calls or appointments.

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Difference Between Metrics and Attributes


  • Definition: Characteristics or properties describing and categorizing leads, providing details like name, contact information, lead source.
  • Purpose: Offer comprehensive view for segmentation, filtering, and organizing leads.


  • Definition: Quantitative measures or indicators of a lead's behavior, engagement, or progress.
  • Purpose: Instrumental in evaluating lead management strategies, assessing conversion rates, response times, engagement levels.

Key Differences

  • Nature: Attributes are descriptive and static, while metrics are dynamic and reflect evolving interactions.
  • Type of Information: Attributes offer qualitative details, metrics provide quantitative data.
  • Use Cases: Attributes for lead segmentation and profiling; Metrics for performance evaluation and optimization.


  • Attribute: Lead Name, Lead Source, Industry.
  • Metric: Conversion Rate, Response Time, Engagement Score.

See also

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