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How to configure the state fields for leads



Lead records possess attributes like name, address, or email ID, stored as fields. Each lead state can encompass a unique set of these fields. For example, a lead in the "Meeting Scheduled" state might possess a "Meeting Date and Time" field.

Leads accumulate data over time. As a lead transitions between states, new fields get added to its record. The total fields a lead record has is determined by its state transitions. When a lead revisits a state, it logs multiple entries for that state, preserving a comprehensive lineage of its journey through states.


Fields serve as storage units for data about leads, partners, activities, and individuals. Each field is dedicated to a single attribute of the lead, partner, activity, or person.

Fields play a pivotal role in: - States: Representing different stages like "New", "1st Meeting Scheduled", "Dropped", etc.

  • Transitions: Capturing the movement of leads between states, such as transitioning from "New" to "Meeting Scheduled".

  • Input Forms: Gathering data from users.

  • Computed Data: Storing calculated data not visible to users but instrumental in computations.


  • States should already be in place.
  • For the inaugural state in a lead's lifecycle, there's flexibility in modifying field values. However, field values in subsequent states are immutable.

User Guide

  1. Login: Access the Vymo web app and click the gear icon located in the upper-right corner.
  2. Module Settings: Navigate to "Module Settings", select your desired module to which fields need to be added, and proceed to "Field Configuration". All states within that module will be displayed. Note: A partner module houses a single state, while lead modules may possess multiple states.
  3. Drag & Position Fields: For each state, drag the desired fields from the "Available Fields" list to the center. Adjust their order by dragging them to preferred positions.
  4. Field Behavior: To modify a field's behavior, click the pencil icon and set the required options.
  5. New State Field Options: If dealing with a "New" state field, decide if it's mandatory and if its value is user-editable.
  6. Save: Once satisfied with configurations, click "Save" located near the top right.

See also

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