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API Standardization Template



Welcome to the API Standardization Template Guide. This guide aims to streamline the process of using API templates for module definitions and simplify the payload update process for Action APIs. It focuses on eliminating manual tasks like copying, pasting module definitions, updating payloads, and formatting data to facilitate seamless data transfer through API templates.

User Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to access and download the API Standardization Template JSON file from the Vymo web application.

  1. Log into Vymo: Go to the Vymo web app login page, enter your credentials, and sign in.
  2. Open Self Serve: On the dashboard, find and click on the 'Self Serve' option.
  3. Module Settings: Within 'Self Serve', locate and select 'Module Settings'.
  4. Select Module: From the list, click on the module for which you need the API template.
  5. API Template: On the module's page, find the 'API Standardization Template'.
  6. Download JSON: Click the 'Download JSON' button, typically at the top right of the template section.
  7. Save the File: The file will be in your default downloads folder once the download is complete.

self serve

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