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Setting up goals

Sonu Fakiha Feedback

Establishing goals is a pivotal step in aligning team and individual objectives with the overarching ambitions of an organization. This structured approach ensures a standardized method for tracking and incentivizing performance within Vymo.

Creating Goal Definitions

Prior to defining a goal, two primary determinants should be considered: - Metrics for Calculations: Select the appropriate metric to serve as the foundation for the goal. - Assignment of Goals: Determine whether the goal will be individual-based or team-oriented.

Options for Metrics:

  • Vymo Metric: Utilize standard goal metrics for calculation (refer to the 'goals metrics' section).
  • External Goal: Upload achievements via a spreadsheet by an administrator.
  • Computed: Apply a formula combining different metrics to ascertain achievements.


A goal definition aligns with a single module only. Should a goal span multiple modules, separate definitions are required for each.

Steps for Goal Definition:

  1. Log In: Access the Vymo web app.
  2. Navigate: Go to self-serve > Global Settings > Performance Management > Goals Definition.
  3. Add Goal: Click 'Add' from the left pane and then select Goal from the popup and click Add.
  4. Define Goal: Enter a name and decide if it's for an individual or a team.
  5. Metric Selection: Choose between 'External', 'Computed', or 'Internal'.
  6. Calculation Details:
  7. For 'External', no further details are needed at this point.
  8. For 'Computed', define the formula.
  9. For 'Internal', pick a metric and module, adding filters as necessary.
  10. Save Draft: Click 'Add' to save changes as a draft.
  11. Finalize: Follow the release management process to implement the changes. goals self serve

What's More:

You have the liberty to create numerous goal definitions and edit them before finalizing them through the release management process. The goal order can be adjusted via drag-and-drop.

Manager Contribution:

For goals including manager contribution, a (self) suffixed goal is automatically generated and should be included for the manager's targets and achievements.

Next Steps:

Designate the roles authorized to upload goal assignments and achievements.

Specifying Roles for Uploads:

  1. Log In: Enter the Vymo web app.
  2. Settings: Go to self-serve > Global Settings > Performance Management > Goals Configuration.
  3. Target Uploads: Define which roles can upload target assignment data, enabling the self-target assignment checkbox if needed. goals self serve
  4. Achievement Uploads: Set permissions for roles to upload achievement data, enabling the self-achievement upload checkbox if needed. goals self serve
  5. Save and Finalize: Save the settings as a draft and complete the process through release management.

Visual guides

The following image shows a standard metric called Unique partners activities being used along with two filters.

goal definition

goals groups

See also

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