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Two-factor authentication

Evangeline Philip    Feedback

Vymo supports two-factor authentication, which uses two methods consecutively to verify a user. This could be a face authentication or OTP based validation.

Enabling face 2FA

Face authentication works on HyperVerge integration. The Vymo app validates the image using an API provided by your company.Face authentication can be configured only for the mobile app.

  1. Log in to the Vymo web app and click the gear icon :octicons-gear-16: in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  2. In User Management section, click JSON Configuration.
  3. Locate Auth Config and go to enableTwoFA object. Set the flag to true to enable 2FA.
  "type": "HYPERVERGE",
  "unlockTwoFAConfig": null,
  "sources": [
  "maxRetryThreshold": 3,
  "lockUserOnThreshold": false,
  "resendOtp": true,
  "resendOtpTimerSecs": 10,
  "maxOtpRequestThreshold": 2,
  "otpLength": 6,
  "otpChannels": [
  "smsTemplate": "",
  "emailTemplate": null

Enabling OTP based 2FA

For OTP based authentication, the OTP is sent to your email and phone. This type of authentication is supported for both mobile and web app.

  1. Log in to the Vymo web app and click the gear icon :octicons-gear-16: in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  2. In User Management section, click JSON Configuration.
  3. Locate Auth Config and go to enableTwoFA object. Set the flag to true to enable 2FA.
  "type": "VYMO_OTP",
  "unlockTwoFAConfig": null,
  "sources": [
  "maxRetryThreshold": 3,
  "lockUserOnThreshold": false,
  "resendOtp": true,
  "resendOtpTimerSecs": 10,
  "maxOtpRequestThreshold": 2,
  "otpLength": 6,
  "otpChannels": [
  "smsTemplate": "",
  "emailTemplate": null
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