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Geo-verified visits

Evangeline Philip    Feedback

Log unplanned meetings or visits with nearby leads or partners based on your location using the Check-in option. Vymo validates user and activity location while logging an activity using Check-in, hence it is a Vymo Verified activity.

Physical detects

Checking in visits

  1. Log in to the Vymo app.
  2. Tap the large Plus button near the bottom right of the screen. Tap Check In.
  3. Select the lead or partner you visited and fill in the details.
  4. Tap Submit after you have finished and your meeting is checked in. This meeting is now a Vymo Verified activity.

Enabling geo-verified visits

  1. Log in to the Vymo web app and click the gear icon :octicons-gear-16: in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  2. In Global Settings section, click Feature Management.
  3. Click Geo Verified Visits and select the checkbox for Enable Geo Verified Visits.
  4. Set the proximity radius within which nearby leads and partners are shown, using Check-in radius threshold. Also, set the buffer time to check-in a completed activity.

Physical detects


If geo-verified visits are enabled for your company, access reports which give you information about the number of physical visits. See Partner engagement report to know more.

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