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Automatically deactivating user accounts


If a person hasn't been using the Vymo app for a certain number of days, you can automatically deactivate that person's user account. Such deactivated accounts aren't counted for calculating your license fees.

This is how it works:

  1. You specify the number of days of inactivity, for example, 21 days.
  2. When a person is about to breach this ceiling, an alert is sent. You specify the following things about this alert:
    • The number of times this alert is to be sent (up to three times)
    • If the alert is to be sent more than once, the days before deactivation to send the alerts (for example, at 5, 3, and 1 days before deactivation)
    • The people this alert is to be sent to (only that person, only their reporting manager, or both)
    • The manner of sending that alert (email, SMS, or both)
  3. If the account remains inactive, it's disabled as soon as the specified threshold is breached.
  4. As soon as the account is disabled, an alert goes out, for which you can specify these things:
    • Who the alert goes out to (only that person, only their reporting manager, or both)
    • The manner of sending that alert (email, SMS, or both)

Pre-emptive action; notifications

A list of people whose accounts are near the specified threshold can be sent to your administrative team, for their intervention, if required.

After a user account is disabled, the details can also be sent to your administrative team.

Setting up automatic account deactivation

  1. Log in to the Vymo web app.
  2. Click Customize > Global Settings > JSON Configurations.
  3. Go to the authConfig object and expand it.
  4. In the userInactivityConfig object, specify the parameter values. Use the following code snippet as guidance, but remember to delete the extra space between the two { and } in all of the message examples.

      "lockOnInactivity": false,
      "disableOnInactivity": true,
      "inactivityLockPeriodInDays": 0,
      "inactivityDisablePeriodInDays": 17,
      "lockNotificationConfig": null,
      "disableNotificationConfig": {
        "reminderMailAdminEmailIds": [
          "[email protected]","[email protected]","[email protected]"
        "confirmationMailAdminEmailIds": [
          "[email protected]","[email protected]","[email protected]"
        "reminderUserSMS": {
          "enabled": true,
          "message": "Hey, you've not logged in to Vymo since { {lastLoginDate} }. If you don't log in by { {disablingDate} }, your ID will be deactivated. Please log in.",
          "reminderDays": [11,3,2]
        "reminderMgrSMS": {
          "enabled": false,
          "message": "{ {userName} } hasn't logged in to Vymo since { {lastLoginDate} }. If no login happens by { {disablingDate} }, the account will be deactivated. ",
          "reminderDays": [4,3,1]
        "reminderUserEmail": {
          "enabled": false,
          "message": "Hello { {userName} },<br/><br/>You haven't logged in to Vymo since {{ lastLoginDate }}. If no login happens by {{ disablingDate }}, your account will be deactivated. If deactivation is the intention, no action is needed from you. But if that's not the case, request your manager or Vymo administrator to unlock the account, after which you must log in immediately.",
          "reminderDays": [4,3,1]
        "reminderMgrEmail": {
          "enabled": false,
          "message": "",
          "reminderDays": [4,3,1]
        "reminderAdminEmail": {
          "enabled": true,
          "message": "Hello,<br/>Attached to this email is a file containing the list of accounts that will be deactivated soon because of inactivity.",
          "reminderDays": null
        "confirmationUserSMS": {
          "enabled": true,
          "message": "Hello, your Vymo ID is deactivated. To activate it again, contact your manager.",
          "reminderDays": []
        "confirmationMgrSMS": {
          "enabled": false,
          "message": "Account of {{ userName }} is now deactivated. To activate the account, log in to the Vymo Web dashboard.",
          "reminderDays": []
        "confirmationUserEmail": {
          "enabled": false,
          "message": "Hello {{ userName }},<br/><br/>Your account is deactivated because of no logins since { {lastLoginDate} }. If deactivation is the intention, no further action is needed from you. But if you must continue using Vymo, request your manager or Vymo administrator to activate the account.",
          "reminderDays": []
        "confirmationMgrEmail": {
          "enabled": false,
          "message": "",
          "reminderDays": []
        "confirmationAdminEmail": {
          "enabled": true,
          "message": "Hello,<br/>attached to this email is a file containing the list of user accounts that were deactivated automatically because of inactivity.",
          "reminderDays": null
  5. Click Save. You see a message that the changes are now saved as a draft.

  6. In the message box, click Go To Release Management so that you can move the changes permanently to the live configuration.
  7. Click Create a UAT release. Specify the release details and make sure to enter your own email ID because that's where you receive a one-time password (OTP) to continue with the process. Click Proceed.
  8. Enter the OTP you received in the email, and click Submit. Wait for a while till you see a confirmation message saying the process is complete.
  9. To see the changes, log out and log in again.

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