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Customized allocations


Advanced Lead Allocation Scenarios in Vymo

Vymo's allocation rules can handle complex scenarios where multiple leads and salespeople are evaluated simultaneously to find the optimum match based on specific conditions.

Scenario 1: Proximity-Based Allocation

This scenario involves matching leads to salespeople based on proximity:

  1. Fetch Lead Location: Determine the geographical location of each lead.
  2. Fetch Locations of Sales People: Obtain location data for all salespeople.
  3. Proximity Matching: Identify salespeople within a 5-mile radius of the lead's location.
  4. Optimize Match: Recursively filter the list of salespeople to find the one at the minimum distance from the lead.

This rule cannot be configured via the self-serve interface due to its complexity.

Scenario 2: Conditional Group-Based Allocation

This scenario sorts salespeople into groups and matches leads based on a series of conditions:

  1. Group Sales People by Attributes: Classify all available salespeople into categories based on specific attributes.
  2. Group by Roles Within Categories: Further categorize salespeople within each group by their roles.
  3. Match Leads: Assign leads to salespeople based on a set of predefined conditions that match lead requirements with salesperson attributes.

Allocation Logic Example

  • Data Input: Receive data for salesperson Attributes 1 through 4.
  • Grouping Logic:
  • If Attribute 1 = Condition 1, place the salesperson in Group 1.
  • If Condition 2 is TRUE, place in Group 2.
  • Otherwise, place in Group 3.
  • Fetch Lead Location: Determine the location of the lead.
  • Match Location with Group: Find salespeople in the corresponding group.
  • Allocate Based on Conditions:
  • If salesperson's Attribute 2 = Condition 2 AND Attribute 3 = Condition 3, allocate the lead.
  • Otherwise, check if Attribute 4 = Condition 4 AND Attribute 2 = Condition 5, then allocate.
  • If no conditions are met, mark the lead for manual allocation.

Custom Attributes and Conditions

The allocation rules can use various custom attributes specific to each scenario, which are crucial for the detailed and customized matching process.

See also

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