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How to Create Fields


  • Log into the Vymo web app and navigate to Self Serve.
  • Access the "Field Configuration" page:
    • For lead or partner modules: Navigate to "Module Settings", select the desired module, and then click on "Field Configuration".
    • For user data: Go to "User Management" and click on "Field Configuration". Alternatively, click on the "Setup Menu" near the top, then select "Field Configuration" from the dropdown.
  • Search for "field configuration and select the module you want to add fields to.
  • To add a field, either drag a field type from the left pane to the center or use the "Add New" option on the right.
  • Configure the field by clicking on the pencil icon. Utilize the options described in the "Configuration options" section.
  • Save your changes.
  • You can now use the field in your module. The field is displayed on the list of available fields on the Field Configuration page.

Available Fields and New Fields

  • The Field Configuration page displays a list of available fields.
  • To use a field, either drag a field type from the left pane to the center or use the "Add New" option on the right.

Default Fields Available for Lead New State, Partner, and User Module

  • Each module comes with a set of default fields tailored to its specific requirements.
  • These fields can be seen under the "Available fields" section.

Supported UI Types

  • The system supports various UI types, including dropdown and master UI types.
  • Only the dropdown UI type and master UI type fields can be referred to globally.

Default States for Lead Modules

  • Modules have various states such as New, 1st meeting scheduled, Meeting rescheduled, Dropped, etc.
  • Transitions refer to when a lead moves from one state to another.

Default Properties for a New Field Addition

"When you add a new field in Vymo, it's essential to define its characteristics and behavior within the system. This process is accomplished through the field's properties, which determine how the field will function and appear in the module. Here's how to do it:

Adding and Accessing Field Properties

  • After you add a new field to your module, click on the pencil icon next to the field. This action opens the field properties configuration window.
  • In this window, you will find various settings that you can adjust to define the field's properties.

Configuring Field Properties

  • Within the configuration window, you'll have several options, as detailed in the 'Configuration options' section of this guide. These options may include setting the field type (e.g., text, number, dropdown), defining whether the field is mandatory, setting default values, and more.
  • Take the time to configure each property according to the role and purpose of the field in your module. For example, if you're creating a 'Phone Number' field, you'll want to set the field type to 'Phone' and possibly make it mandatory.

Saving Your Configurations

  • After you've set up the properties to your satisfaction, click the 'Save' button. This action finalizes the configurations and applies them to the new field.
  • Your newly created field, with all the specified properties, is now ready for use in the module."


  • Fields can be reordered for better organization and clarity.
  • Simply drag and drop the fields to rearrange them in the desired order.

Importance of Field Groups

  • Field groups in Vymo play a pivotal role in enhancing the organization and usability of the application. They serve as a means to logically group related fields together, providing a structured and intuitive layout for users. The importance of field groups lies in their ability to streamline data entry, improve user experience, and simplify the comprehension of complex forms.

Section Creation

  • we can only add for the new state Via UI.
  • To categorize fields, create distinct sections.
  • Click on "Add Section" and provide a name for the new section.
  • Drag desired fields into the created section.

Where These Field Creations are Supported

  • Field creations are supported at both the module and global levels.
  • Make sure to select the correct module from the "Module Settings" before proceeding with field creation.

Advanced Settings

Before diving into the advanced settings, it's crucial to understand the functionalities available from the Field Configuration screen. This screen provides a comprehensive overview of field properties, allowing administrators to modify and customize fields based on module requirements.

Functionalities Available from the Field Configuration Screen

  • Field Addition: Easily add new fields by dragging field types from the left pane or using the "Add New" option on the right.
  • Field Modification: Update existing fields by clicking on the pencil icon, allowing changes to field properties and behaviors.
  • Field Deactivation: While fields cannot be deleted, they can be disabled, ensuring they're hidden from end-users.
  • Field Reordering: Reorder fields using drag-and-drop functionality to enhance the user experience and data input flow.
  • Section Management: Categorize related fields by creating and managing distinct sections.
  • Field Searching: Quickly locate specific fields using the search functionality, streamlining the configuration process.

Extended UI Type-Specific Property Configuration

Once a field is added or selected, the Property screen offers an extended set of configurations tailored to the specific UI type of the field. These properties determine how the field behaves and appears to the end-users.

  • OIF URL: The slug or path to the API to use to populate the input form.
  • OIF Parameter Value: The value of the parameter to pass in the API. This value should be the same as the input field code of another field on the form.
  • OIF Parameter Code: The code in the API that corresponds to this parameter.


Data about leads, partners, activities, and people are recorded in fields. Each field in a record is associated with one, and only one, attribute of that lead, partner, activity, or person.

Fields in Vymo: Uses and Configurations

Fields in Vymo are versatile components used across various modules and activities. Below is a breakdown of their primary uses:


  • Description: States represent different phases or statuses of an entity, such as a lead or a partner.
  • Examples: States like 'New', '1st Meeting Scheduled', 'Meeting Rescheduled', and 'Dropped'.


  • Purpose: Pertains to the progression of an entity from one state to another.
  • Example: A lead moving from a 'New' state to a 'Meeting-Scheduled' state.

Input Forms

  • Role: Fields are integral in creating forms that capture essential information.
  • Application: Utilized across various modules for data entry.

Storing Computed Data

  • Function: Some fields store calculated data necessary for backend operations.
  • Visibility: This data is typically not directly visible to users but critical for internal processes.


  • Use Case: Fields extend to documenting and tracking various activities, tasks, events, or actions.

Available Fields

The following list showcases the available fields within Vymo:

  • Overview: Represents the existing fields, not the metadata.
  • Customization: Users can adjust specific properties of these fields to suit their needs.
  • Configuration: Accessible via the field configuration screen, allowing for tailored adjustments per module requirements.

Vymo Field Descriptions

Term Description
Callback A request or action to return a call or response, often in a sales or technical context.
Parent campaign The main or primary promotional or marketing effort from which other related campaigns derive.
Campaign Status The current state of a promotional or marketing campaign, e.g., active, paused, completed.
Category A class or division of items or concepts with shared characteristics.
Channel function The specific role or purpose of a communication or distribution channel.
Check In The act of registering or marking presence, often in hotels or events.
Check-in location The specific place where one registers or marks their presence.
City An urban area defined by specific geopolitical boundaries.
Communication Email An email address specifically used for certain types of communication, e.g., support or inquiries.
Content Documents Files or digital assets related to content, such as articles, images, or videos.
Content Status The current state of a content piece, e.g., draft, published, archived.
Content Type The kind or format of content, e.g., video, article, image.
Course A structured program of study on a particular subject.
Course Description A brief overview or summary of what a course covers.
Course Due Date The deadline by which a course or its assignments should be completed.
Course Name The title or designation of a particular course of study.
Date of Birth (DOB) A specific date when someone was born, used for identification or age-related purposes.
Date of Joining The specific date when an individual became a member or employee of an organization.
Description A detailed account or statement about something, explaining its features or essence.
Designation A title or role in a professional context, e.g., Manager, Engineer.
District A geopolitical region within a country, often smaller than a state but larger than a city.
Documents Physical or digital papers containing information.
Dropped Reason The justification or explanation for discontinuing or not pursuing something.
Email An electronic method of communication that allows sending and receiving messages.
Emp Id Employee Identification number, a unique number assigned to employees in an organization.
Enable 2FA A command or setting to activate two-factor authentication for added security.
End date The final date of an event, task, or period.
Engagement frequency How often an engagement or interaction occurs, e.g., daily, weekly.
Expires on The date on which something becomes invalid or ceases to be in effect, e.g., a license or offer.
External Description A description intended for external audiences, such as customers or partners.
External Title A title or designation used for external communication or representation.
Hide Campaign In Add Lead Form A setting to exclude a campaign option when adding leads in a form.
Home address The location of an individual's residence.
Home Area The specific region or locality of one's home within a city or district.
Home Building The specific building or structure where one resides.
Home City The urban area where one's primary residence is located.
Home District The geopolitical region of one's primary residence.
Home House number The specific number assigned to one's residence in a street or locality.
Home Location The geographical coordinates or descriptive place of one's residence.
Home Pincode The postal code of one's primary residence.
Home State The geopolitical region or province of one's primary residence.
Home Street The specific street of one's residence.
House number A number assigned to a building in a street or area, aiding in its identification.
ID A unique identifier for individuals or objects.
Internal Reviews Purpose The reason or objective behind reviews conducted within an organization.
Is Parallel Indicates whether a process runs concurrently with another or not.
Landmark A recognizable natural or artificial feature used for navigation or identification.
Lead module A component or section related to potential sales or customers in a CRM system.
Lesson Description A brief overview or summary of what a lesson covers.
Lesson name The title or designation of a particular instructional segment.
Lesson URL The web link or address where a specific lesson can be accessed.
Lineworks ID Likely a unique identifier in the Lineworks system or platform.
Location A specific place or position, either in a physical or digital realm.
Login Id A unique identifier used to access a system, platform, or application.
Meeting location The specific place where a meeting is held or scheduled to take place.
Mode of sending The method or channel through which something is transmitted, e.g., email, post.
Module A specific section or component of a larger system or platform.
Module Type The category or kind of module, based on its function or content.
Modules Plural of module; several components or sections of a system.
Name A word or set of words by which an entity is known.
New Limit A revised or updated boundary or maximum value for something.
Notes Brief records or annotations related to something.
Observer Id A unique identifier for someone who observes or monitors without actively participating.
Office address The location of a workplace or corporate establishment.
Office Area The specific region or locality of an office within a city or district.
Office Building The specific building or structure where a workplace is located.
Office City The urban area where a workplace or corporate establishment is located.
Office District The geopolitical region of a workplace or corporate establishment.
Office Location The geographical coordinates or descriptive place of an office.
Office number A contact number associated with a workplace or corporate establishment.
Office Pincode The postal code of a workplace or corporate establishment.
Office State The geopolitical region or province of a workplace or corporate establishment.
Office Street The specific street of a workplace or corporate establishment.
Office Taluk A sub-district administrative division, related to a workplace's location.
Owner The individual or entity that possesses or holds responsibility for something.
Pan No Personal Account Number; a unique code that acts as identification for Indian taxpayers.
Parent campaign The primary or main campaign from which other sub-campaigns might be derived.
Partner cancellation reasons Justifications given by partners for terminating or ending an agreement or association.
Partner recruitment date The date when a partner was onboarded or joined an association or program.
Partner reschedule reasons Justifications given by partners for changing a previously set date or time.
Pass Criteria The standards or conditions that must be met for a successful outcome.
Phone A device or system used for voice communication; also refers to the number associated with it.
Photo Address Proof A photographic document used to verify an individual's address, e.g., utility bill with a picture.
Photo Id Proof A photographic document used to verify an individual's identity, e.g., passport, driver's license.
Photos Plural of photo; images or snapshots captured by a camera.
Pincode A series of numbers, or sometimes letters, representing a specific postal region or address.
Purpose The reason for which something is done or for which something exists.
Reason An explanation or justification for an action or event.
Reimbursable Something that can be compensated or refunded, often related to expenses.
Remarks Comments or annotations that provide additional information or context.
Reporting manager An individual to whom one directly reports in an organizational hierarchy.
Reschedule Reason The justification or explanation for changing a previously set date or time.
Roles Specific responsibilities or positions within an organization or system.
Sid Likely a unique identifier or system ID, specific to a platform or system.
Source The origin or starting point of something, e.g., data source, information source.
Start date The initial date of an event, task, or period.
State A larger geopolitical region within a country, often consisting of multiple cities or districts.
Status The current condition or state of something, e.g., active, pending, completed.
Street A public road in a city or town, often with buildings on either side.
Sub campaign A secondary or specific promotional effort

Points to Remember

Fields specific to a module are not universally applicable. If you need a similar field in another module, you must recreate it there.

Before creating a field, consider if an existing field can serve the purpose. Remember, once a field is created, it cannot be deleted - only disabled.

See also

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