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Configuring notifications through the command-line interface

Sonu Fakiha Feedback

To set up notifications, you use one or more of the 18 templates for standard notifications. Each template has set of parameters or questions (key-value pairs). These parameters govern the details for each notification.

Each of these notifications can be enabled or disabled at the global level.

To configure notifications:

  1. Open Authy app to access the OTP code.
  2. Open Pritunl > click the hamburger icon on top right.
  3. Click Connect and enter the OTP code.
  4. Log in to the Script Server.
  5. Enter client name under parameter section and click execute.
  6. Either create a notification or update an existing one
    • Create new notification: Enter 1 under your input to add a notification.
    • Update saved notifications: Enter 2 under your input to modify a notification, for example, to make a time frequency change to a configured notification.
  7. To select a notification, click your input >> and enter the number assigned to the notification. This is the only way to configure notifications and further specifications on the command line interface.
  8. To stop or exit click stop on top right next to execute


The first two steps are mandatory to access script server.

Notification templates

These are the notification templates to use. To see the details for a template, expand that template.

1. Not logged in based on active days

When the person has not logged in for a specific number of days, notifications for that person won't be sent. The parameters configured under this notification include:

  • Enabling or Disabling the notification.
  • Date range: If the person is inactive for a specific number of days, they stop receiving the notification. The three options configured under date range are:
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 365 days
  • The roles: This key determines the roles, for which the notification should be sent.
  • The time: Configures when the notification should be sent to the person. Further specification include frequency of time and the day/s. The daily option allows to set specific time ( in hour and minutes). Under weekly , you can specify on which day/s the notification should be triggered or sent.
  • A push notification to the manager informing the inactivity of the the person is configured. The specifics under this key are as follows:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager about the new activity assigned to the user.




    has not logged in yet



  • SMS and Email: When the person is inactive , notifications won’t be triggered, hence the person will receive an SMS or an email reminding them to login. There are a set of key value pairs under sms and email options.

SMS Email
State: enable or disable State: enable or disable
Message: Good morning Alice! Log in to Vymo to plan your day better. Click Message: Dear Alice, Good Morning! Log onto Vymo, your personal sales assistant, to plan your day better. If you are facing any trouble logging in, contact [email protected] and we will get back to you asap. Regards Team Vymo.
2. Battery low notification

Notification sent when the phone battery is low. Parameters under this notification include the following:

  • Enabling or Disabling the notification. This key determines if the battery low notification should be sent to the user or not.

  • The roles: adding user roles that are to be notified.

  • You can add or set a battery percentage value. If the battery percentage goes below the set value, the user gets notified.


3. New activity assigned

When a new activity is assigned, a notification is sent to the person about the new activity. Parameters include the following:

  • To enable or disable this notification trigger.

  • User roles that are to be notified about the new activity.

  • Push notification for the user. The parameters under this notification are described below.


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user about the new assigned activity.


    Defines the nature of activity, for example new meeting.


    You have been assigned a new meeting at 11:30.


    Task details

  • Push notification for the Manager. The parameters under this notification are described below.


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager about the new activity assigned to the user.


    Alice assigned with new meeting


    Alice assigned with new meeting. Would you like to connect with them to help?


    Task details

4. Goal Progress Below Threshold
5. New Lead Assignment

When a new lead is assigned to the person, they get notified. The parameters include the following:

  • To enable or disable this notification trigger.
  • Add user roles that are to be notified.
  • To select a module type ( leads and partner).
  • Configure push notification for the user person. The specifics under this notification are described below.


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user.


    New {module name}


    {vo name}


    Vo Details

  • Configure push notification for the manager. The specifics under this notification are described below.


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager.


    New {module name}


    Meeting is assigned to Alice. {meeting state message}


    Vo Details

6. VO Date Reminder

Notification based on VO date attribute. The parameters include the following:

  • A value defining the date attribute for reminder.

  • A value defining the number of days before the user gets notified.

  • Add user roles that are to be notified.

  • Add date format.

  • Add attribute name for remainder.

  • Add states

  • Configure push notification for the user. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user.


    VO name


    {VO name}'s {date attribute name} is on {date value}


    VO details

7. Lead Dropped

This notification is triggered when you as a user drop a lead. The configuration specifics under this notification are as follows:

  • To enable or disable the notification trigger.
  • User roles that are to be notified.
  • To select a module type (lead and partner).
  • Configure push notification for the user. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user.


    lead just got dropped


    You dropped a {module type}: {vo name}


    VO details

  • Configure push notification for the manager. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager.


    {module name}


    lead assigned to Alice is lost


    Vo details

8. Goal Period Below Threshold
9. Meeting Reminder Update Vo

Notification reminding to update the details of a meeting. The configuration specifics include the following:

  • To enable or disable the notification.
  • Time range defining when this notification should be sent after the completion of meeting. Options under time range are:
    • Range of last 1 hour
    • Range of last 2 hour
    • Range of last 3 hour
    • Range of last 24 hour
    • Range of last 30 minutes
    • Range of last 10 minutes
  • To select a module type ( lead and partner)
  • User roles that are to be notified.
  • Time range defining the blockage of the notification. This is done to avoid duplicate notification. It is configured in minutes.

  • Configure push notification for the user. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user persona.




    update status for {vo name}



  • Configure push notification for the manager. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager .


    {subordinate name}


    had a meeting with {vo name} at {voMeetingStartTime}. Advise him to update the status


    Call, Vo Details

10. Meetings below threshold

When the number of meetings is less than the threshold set during the calculation period. The configuration specifics under this notification include the following:

  • To enable or disable the notification.
  • Add a value defining the period/ time to consider for meeting count calculation .
  • Add a value defining the meeting count threshold below which the notification should be sent.
  • To select a module type (lead and partner).
  • Add user roles that are to be notified or the notification should be applied for.
  • Time defining when the notification should be delivered.
  • Configure push notification for the user. The specifics include:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user .


    Vymo alert


    I do not see any meetings for you today. Can I help you plan?



  • Configure push notification for the manager. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager .




    has no meeting for today



11. Meeting update reminder Task

Notification to update a meeting over a stipulated period of time. The configuration specifics under this notification are given below.

  • To enable or disable the notification trigger.
  • Time range defining when the notification should be sent post meeting. The options under time range are
    • Range of 1 hour
    • Range of 2 hours
    • Range of 3 hours
    • Range of 24 hours
    • Range of 24 hours
    • Range of 30 minutes
    • Range of 10 minutes
  • To select a module type (partner and leads module)
  • Add user roles that are to be notified.
  • Time range defining the blockage of the notification. This is done to avoid duplicate notification. It is configured in minutes.
12. Meeting reminder task

When the person has a meeting after a stipulated period of time, a notification is sent. The configuration specifics include the following:

  • To enable or disable the notification.
  • User roles that are to be notified.
  • A time range defining when this notification should be sent to the user prior a meeting. The two options under time range are
    • Range of next 1 hour
    • Range of next 30 minutes
  • Selection of module type ( leads and partners module)
  • Configure push notification for the user. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user .


    Meeting reminder


    Meeting at 11:30



  • Configure push notification for manager. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or disable the push notification for the manager .




    Alice has an activity at 11:30.



13. Lead Won

Notification is sent when a lead is won by the person. The configuration specifics include the following.

  • To enable or disable the notification.
  • The roles that are to be notified.
  • To select module type (lead and partner)
  • Configure push notification for the user. The specifics include:


    Enable or disable the push notification for the manager


    {vo name} has been completed


    You have completed a {module type}: {vo name}


    Vo details

  • Configure push notification for the manager. The specifics include:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager


    {module name}


    {vo name} has been assigned to {subordinate name} has been closed successfully


    Vo details

14. vo not updated after a state

Notification is sent when a state remains unchanged over a stipulated period of time.

The configuration specifics include the following.

  • To enable or disable the notification trigger.
  • To select a state for which inactivity should be reminded.

    The state options include the following:

    • Call State
    • Non-active State
    • Check In State
    • Won State
    • User Engagement State
    • Rescheduled State
    • Lost State
    • Unmet Open State
    • Ignore State
    • Met State
    • Assigned State
    • New State
    • Unmet Lost State
    • Non-state Update State
  • Time range defining the validity of state after which the notification should be sent. The time range options include the following:

    • Range of last 1 hour
    • Range of last 2 hours
    • Range of last 3 hours
    • Range of last 24 hours
    • Range of last 7 days
    • Range of last 30 days
    • Range of last 365 days
    • Range of last 30 minutes
    • Range of last 2 days
  • Selection of module type ( leads and partner modules).

  • Add user roles that are to be notified.

  • Configure push notifications for the user. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user




    Was assigned at {LastUpdateTime}



    1. Configure push notifications for manager

    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager.




    has not called {voName} yet



15. Backlogs Above Threshold

A backlog notification is sent to the person when their backlog count is above a certain threshold. The configuration specifics under this notification include the following:

  • To enable or disable the notification.

  • Value defining the number of days before the current day, backlog should be accounted for.

  • A value or number defining the backlogs count threshold above which the notification should be sent.

  • To select module type (lead and partner)

  • Time defining when the notification should be delivered to the user. The options, daily and weekly allows further specifications. The daily option allows to set specific time ( in hour and minutes). Under weekly , you can specify on which days / day the notification should be triggered or sent.

  • Configure push notification for the user. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user




    More than 10 backlog items, need your attention



  • Configure push notification for manager. The specifics are:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager




    Your team member Alice has more than 10 backlog items, needs your attention



16. VO date reminder

A notification based on VO date time attribute is sent to the user.

The configuration specifics under this notification include the following:

  • To enable or disable the notification trigger.
  • Add user roles that are to be notified.
  • To select module type (lead and partner).
  • Add value defining the date attribute for the reminder.
  • Number defining days before this notification should be sent.
  • Value defining the attribute date name for the reminder.
  • Time interval.
  • Select the states to be considered from the options given:

    • Call State
    • Non-active State
    • Check In State
    • Won State
    • User Engagement State
    • Rescheduled State
    • Lost State
    • Unmet Open State
    • Ignore State
    • Met State
    • Assigned State
    • New State
    • Unmet Lost State
    • Non-state Update State
  • Configure push notification for the user.The specifics are :


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user.




    {voName}'s {dateTimeAttributeName} is going to be breached in {timeValue}mins


    VO details

17. Activity Completed

A notification is sent when an activity is completed by the user. The configuration specifics for the notification include the following:

  • To enable or disable the notification.
  • The user roles this notification should be applied for.
  • Configure push notification for the user.The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user


    You have completed the activity


    Meeting completed by you


    Task details

  • Configure push notification for the manager. The parameters under this are:


    Enable or Disable push notification for the manager.




    Just completed a meeting


    Task details

18. Meeting Reminder Vo

When the user has a meeting after a stipulated period of time, a notification is sent to the user.

The configuration specifics for this notification include the following:

  • To enable or disable the notification trigger.
  • The user roles that are to be notified.
  • Time range defining when this notification should be sent to the user before a meeting. The options include:
    • Range of one hour
    • Range of 30 minutes
  • Selection of module type ( lead and partner)
  • Configure push notification for the user


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the user


    Meeting reminder


    {voName} at {voMeetingStartTime}


    VoDetails, Update

  • Configure push notification for the manager. The specifics include the following:


    Enable or Disable the push notification for the manager


    Alice has a meeting


    Alice has a meeting with {voName} at 11:30


    VoDetails, Call

See also

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